23 Mar Don’t Forget about Court
When it comes to bailing out of jail, everyone focuses on simply getting out of jail. What is often forgotten is the fact that once out of jail, a person needs to go to all of their court dates. If they miss a single court date while out on bail, they could very quickly find themselves thrown back into jail. This makes going to court very important for anyone out on bail.
Here at Clarksville Bail Bonds, we keep in touch with all of our clients after they have been bailed out. We do this to keep them informed of all of their court dates. This way, they do not miss any and end up back in jail, which is something nobody wants.
When going to court, it is important to behave appropriately. One of the most important things to remember when in court, is that the judge represents the law, and should be treated with the utmost respect, which includes standing when speaking to him or her. The judge should always be referred to as Your Honor. A person should always be polite when addressing the judge, or anyone else in the court, and never interrupt anyone.
Other important rules include arriving on time, turning off cellphones, and dressing appropriately. Being able to choose your own outfit is one of the benefits of posting bail. If you were still in jail, you would have to go to court wearing an orange jumpsuit, which does not leave a good impression on the judge or jury. When dressing for court, choose an outfit that would be appropriate for a business meeting.
Going to court is a big deal, especially when a person is out on bail. The goal is to make a good impression, which means always showing up on time, dressing appropriately, and being polite and courteous. Doing all of this helps reduces the chances of being sent back to jail, which is what everyone wants.